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How do I remove the dotted line of the selection in a Tk::HList?

when an entry in a Tk::HList is selected by a single click, a dotted line is drawn around this entry. I don't want to have this line. How can I configure it? I don't see any documented way to do it.

Here is some example code showing a Tk::HList with a pre-selected entry. When you click the entry, a dotted line will appear.


use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Tk;
use Tk::HList;

my $mw = tkinit();

# -- create a Tk::HList
my $scrolled_hlist = $mw->Scrolled('HList',
    -scrollbars => 'se',
    -columns => 2,
    -header => 1,
    -width => 50,
    -height => 20,
    # hide black border around HList when it's active
    -highlightthickness => 0,
    -selectborderwidth => 1,
    -selectmode => 'single',

)->pack(-fill => 'y', -expand => 1,);

my $real_hlist = $scrolled_hlist->Subwidget('scrolled');

# -- add HList header colums
    'create', 0,
    -text   => 'first column',

    'create', 1,
    -text   => 'second column',

# -- add some entries to the HList
$real_hlist->item('create', 1, 0, -text => 'first row, 1st col');
$real_hlist->item('create', 1, 1, -text => 'first row, 2nd col');

$real_hlist->item('create', 2, 0, -text => '2nd row, 1st col');
$real_hlist->item('create', 2, 1, -text => 'second row, 2nd col');

# -- set selection *** without dashed line border ***



  • It took some time to find it, but the solution is to call anchorClear() as browsecmd:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use utf8;
    use Tk;
    use Tk::HList;
    my $mw = tkinit();
    # -- create a Tk::HList
    my $scrolled_hlist = $mw->Scrolled('HList',
        -scrollbars => 'se',
        -columns => 2,
        -header => 1,
        -width => 50,
        -height => 20,
        # hide black border around HList when it's active
        -highlightthickness => 0,
        -selectborderwidth => 1,
        -selectmode => 'single',
    )->pack(-fill => 'y', -expand => 1,);
    my $real_hlist = $scrolled_hlist->Subwidget('scrolled');
        -browsecmd => [ sub{ $_[0]->anchorClear(); }, $real_hlist],
    # -- add HList header colums
        'create', 0,
        -text   => 'first column',
        'create', 1,
        -text   => 'second column',
    # -- add some entries to the HList
    $real_hlist->item('create', 1, 0, -text => 'first row, 1st col');
    $real_hlist->item('create', 1, 1, -text => 'first row, 2nd col');
    $real_hlist->item('create', 2, 0, -text => '2nd row, 1st col');
    $real_hlist->item('create', 2, 1, -text => 'second row, 2nd col');
    # -- set selection *** without dashed line border ***
