I got the following XSD bit from a customer. It is part of a legacy schema that spans over dozens of files.
<xs:element name="stateProvinceName">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:attributeGroup ref="xml:attlist.global-attributes"/>
I'm trying to figure out what they actually want. There are no sub-elements, so what is the meaning of this 'xs:mixed'? is it supposed to be simpleContent, or no content?
I told them that they should use more standard construct, e.g.
<xs:element name="stateProvinceName">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attributeGroup ref="xml:attlist.global-attributes"/>
But they are not sure it means the same thing. Both schemas accept
<stateProvinceName ID="345643">California</stateProvinceName>
<stateProvinceName ID="345643"/>
The two types might be equivalent on the surface, but their extensibility is different. Using a simple content type of xs:string allows refinement of the type by constraining the string for example with a regular expression, while using a mixed complex content type with no elements allows refinement by adding elements to the model.