I have a couple problems with generating XML Schema for an XML document. The XML document should look like this:
So far I achieved the following structure:
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
<xsd:element name="HEADER">
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="ID" nillable="false" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:key name="SYS_C0032500">
<xsd:selector xpath="."/>
<xsd:field xpath="ID"/>
<xsd:keyref name="SYS_C0032500_HEADER.ID_INCIDENT.HEADER_" refer="SYS_C0032500">
<xsd:selector xpath="INCIDENT"/>
<xsd:field xpath="HEADER"/>
<xsd:element name="INCIDENT">
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" name="HEADER" nillable="false" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:key name="IDK">
<xsd:selector xpath="."/>
<xsd:field xpath="HEADER"/>
The criteria of this task to use the and elements to simulate database constraints. Currently I get an error message that says:
Engine name: Xerces Severity: error Description: cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'INCIDENT'. No child element is expected at this point. Start location: 3:6 End location: 3:14 URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cvc-complex-type
My other problem comes with the more INCIDENT parts. How can I add more INCIDENT elements, when the has no maxOccurs attribute?
Thanks for every help!
Regards, Joe
In your example instance document, the content model for HEADER appears to be "an ID followed by one or more INCIDENTs". In XSD that is:
<xsd:element name="HEADER">
<xsd:element name="ID" nillable="false" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="INCIDENT" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="..."/>