I have an ASP.net page with a link to open a jquery-based modal window (that uses colobox jquery plugin). The content of that window in loaded from another aspx file (it loads an iframe). I want to close that window when the user presses an asp:button and if some condition in my code-behind went well.
I tried many ways to close that window from code-behind like these ways:
Page.RegisterStartupScript("X", @"$(this).dialog('close');");
Page.RegisterStartupScript("X", @"var win = window.open('','_self'); win.close();");
btnDone.Attributes.Add("onclick", @"var win = window.open('','_self'); win.close();");
btnDone.Attributes.Add("onclick", @"window.open('../px/nsk.aspx', '_self', null); window.close(); ");
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>");
but non of them can close that modal window. I'm testing on latest version of firefox. the code behind can be supposed as sth like this:
// do some database works
if (condition)
// close this modal window
I also tried methods from jquery but none of them were a success. Can you please telling me how can I close this window?
The problem seams to be solved this way:
"CloseKey", "parent.$.colorbox.close();", true);