I'm working with this page:
I want the buttons that toggle open/close the question to display a "+" when it's closed and a "-" when it's opened. I've set the "active" class to add the content "-" but it's not staying "active" when the answer is revealed.
I tried adding a .setStyle to the js but that didn't seem to do anything either.
Here is a fiddle of what I'm doing for the buttons now:
you cannot access element pseudos via js at all. so you create some new styles and work with parent instead.
.tips_tricks button:after {
.tips_tricks button.on:after {
then onClick you toggle class 'on' and voila.
the only way you can set a different relationship is via an attribute link.
.tips_tricks button:after {
content: attr(data-content);
then el.set('data-content', '-');
- though i'd say this is less reliable.