I am trying to compare dates, but my query doesnot return any result. Curious if I have written the query correctly ?
FROM a, b
CONVERT(varchar(50),a.BirthDate, 101) between CONVERT(varchar(50),b.minage, 101) and CONVERT(varchar(50),b.maxage, 101)
Is there anything wrong with this date comparison query ??
Table structure is as :
Table a:
Column Name Datatype
Birthdate Date
Table b's row:
Column Name Datatype
minage Date - calculated as : select DATEADD(year, -41, GETDATE())
maxage Date - calculated as : select DATEADD(year, -21, GETDATE())
In table B, Minage, maxage criteria changes for each row. So range can be as minage 0 max age 20, minage 50 maxage 60 etc.(range not overlapping though).
Any idea on what might be wrong in the query ?
I need to compare/calculate only with date not hours or minutes.
May be stupid of me.
Looks like I had to reverse order of minage and maxage.
so the below query works:
FROM a, b
CONVERT(varchar(50),a.BirthDate, 101) between CONVERT(varchar(50),b.maxage, 101) and CONVERT(varchar(50),b.minage, 101)