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Get foreground CHILD window

Whenever Skype is in Default View, the TConversationWindow's become children of the tSkMainForm Window.

I am having problems finding out which TConversationWindow is active - however it's not like an MDI interface - only one TConversationWindow is visible, like if it was a Tab/Page.

When I do GetForegroundWindow, Skype's MainForm handle is returned (tSkMainForm). Is there any way that I can get the foreground TConversationWindow within Skype?

This question of mine has screenshots of Skype's Default View, if you need it. :)

EDIT: Here is a screenshot of the Winspector Hierachy:

enter image description here

EDIT2: I tried going thru the windows like this:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  function GetClassName(Handle: HWND): String;
  Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
  Windows.GetClassName(Handle, @Buffer, MAX_PATH);
  Result := String(Buffer);
 Wnd: HWND;
 SkypeWnd: HWND;
 SkypeWnd := FindWindow('tSkMainForm',nil);

 Wnd := GetTopWindow(SkypeWnd);

 while (GetClassName(Wnd) <> 'TConversationForm') and (Wnd <> 0) and (not IsWindowVisible(Wnd)) do
   Wnd := GetNextWindow(Wnd,GW_HWNDNEXT);

 Label1.Caption := GetClassName(Wnd)+' - '+GetHandleText(wnd);


The above is supposed to find the visible window, however when I debug it, it never enters the Begin End within the While loop, and Label1 displays "TChromeMenu - ChromeToolbar". When I remove the IsWindowVisible check, it atleast finds a TConversationForm. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT3: By placing the IsWindowVisible and getClassName check inside the loop, and break when true, I managed to do it. :)


  • By placing the IsWindowVisible and getClassName check inside the loop, and break when true, I managed to do it. :)