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Mass Assignment Error simple_form nested attributes

I really can't figure this one out. I've read a lot of similar problems regarding the mass assignment error but every solution I've tried has failed.

I'm trying to nest my institution model into my course model using accepts_nested_attributes_for & simple_form. My code is as follows:

Course Model:

  # Attributes 
  attr_accessible :class_end, :class_start, :cost, :effort, :level, :name, :overview, :prerequisites, :tags, :tag_list

  # Associations 
  belongs_to :institution 
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :institution 

Institution Model:

# Attributes
attr_accessible :bio, :city, :country, :name, :state, :twitter_url, :type, :url, :image_url, :email

 # Associations
 has_many :courses

View of nested simple_form:

<%= simple_form_for(@course) do |f| %>
  <%= f.simple_fields_for :institutions do |i| %>
    <%= i.input :name %>            
    <%= f.input :name %>
    <%= f.input :overview %>
    <%= f.input :cost %> 
    <%= f.input :level %>
    <%= f.input :tag_list %> 
    <%= f.input :class_start %>
    <%= f.input :class_end %>
    <%= f.input :effort %>
    <%= f.input :prerequisites %>

    <%= f.button :submit %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

The error I'm getting:

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: institutions

 "commit"=>"Create Course"}


  • You need to add institution_attributes to attr_accessible of the Course and use proper name for fields_for, I think it should be :institution, not :institutions. Form should look like this:

    <%= simple_form_for(@course) do |f| %>
      <%= f.simple_fields_for :institution do |i| %>
        <%= i.input :name %>            
      <% end %>
      <%= f.input :name %>
      <%= f.input :overview %>
      <%= f.input :cost %> 
      <%= f.input :level %>
      <%= f.input :tag_list %> 
      <%= f.input :class_start %>
      <%= f.input :class_end %>
      <%= f.input :effort %>
      <%= f.input :prerequisites %>
      <%= f.button :submit %>
    <% end %>