In my code, I'm using eval
to evaluate a string expression given by the user. Is there a way to compile or otherwise speed up this statement?
import math
import random
result_count = 100000
expression = "math.sin(v['x']) * v['y']"
variable = dict()
variable['x'] = [random.random() for _ in xrange(result_count)]
variable['y'] = [random.random() for _ in xrange(result_count)]
# optimize anything below this line
result = [0] * result_count
print 'Evaluating %d instances of the given expression:' % result_count
print expression
v = dict()
for index in xrange(result_count):
for name in variable.keys():
v[name] = variable[name][index]
result[index] = eval(expression) # <-- option ONE
#result[index] = math.sin(v['x']) * v['y'] # <-- option TWO
For a quick comparison option ONE takes 2.019 seconds on my machine, while option TWO takes only 0.218 seconds. Surely Python has a way of doing this without hard-coding the expression.
You can also trick python:
expression = "math.sin(v['x']) * v['y']"
exp_as_func = eval('lambda: ' + expression)
And then use it like so:
Speed test:
In [17]: %timeit eval(expression)
10000 loops, best of 3: 25.8 us per loop
In [18]: %timeit exp_as_func()
1000000 loops, best of 3: 541 ns per loop
As a side note, if v
is not a global, you can create the lambda like this:
exp_as_func = eval('lambda v: ' + expression)
and call it: