My database knowledge is reasonable I would say, im using MySQL (InnoDb) for this and have done some Postgres work as well. Anyway...
My current plan for storing this data:
Obviously user data is in another table.
To add their choice, I would have to query to see if they have voted before and insert, otherwise, update. If I want to see the poll results I would need to go iterate through all decisions (albeit indexed portions) every time someone wants to see the poll.
My questions are
The design sounds good, a few ideas:
A table for polls: poll id, question.
A table for choices: choice id, text.
A table to link polls to choices: poll id->choice ids.
A table for users: user details, user ids.
A votes table: (user id, poll id), choice id, time stamp. (brackets are a unique pair)
Inserting/updating for a single user will work fine, as you can just check if an entry exists for the user id and the poll id.
You can view the results much easier than iterating through by using COUNT.
e.g.: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE pollid = id AND decision = choiceid
That would tell you how many people voted for "choiceid" in the poll "pollid".
Late Edit:
This is a way of inserting if it doesn't exist and updating if it does:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE UserId='Uid' AND PollId = 'pollid')
UPDATE TableName SET (set values here) WHERE UserId='Uid' AND PollId = 'pollid'
INSERT INTO TableName VALUES (insert values here)