I'm using C# and the AE.Net.Mail library to pull files from Gmail. I'm having problems with large zip files.
The same problem is described and resolved here with Java: JavaMail BaseEncode64 Error
Does anyone know how to set partial fetch flag with C# and the AE.Net.Mail library?
Go with (or take a look at) S22.Imap. It's an AE.Net.Mail documented with some extras.
From examples: Download attachments only if they are smaller than 2 Megabytes
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", Authmethod.Login, true))
// This returns all messages sent since August 23rd 2012
uint[] uids = Client.Search(
SearchCondition.SentSince( new DateTime(2012, 8, 23) )
// Our lambda expression will be evaluated for every MIME part
// of every mail message in the uids array
MailMessage[] messages = Client.GetMessages(uids,
(Bodypart part) => {
// We're only interested in attachments
if(part.Disposition.Type == ContentDispositionType.Attachment)
Int64 TwoMegabytes = (1024 * 1024 * 2);
if(part.Size > TwoMegabytes)
// Don't download this attachment
return false;
// fetch MIME part and include it in the returned MailMessage instance
return true;