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Finding all functions in current workspace

I'd like to find all functions in my current workspace and thought about using is.function for that purpose.

The "problem" is that is.function expects a true R object, not the character string name of an object.

That's my solution, but using eval(substitute(...)) seems a bit involved. Any ideas for a more straight forward way or is that the only way this can be done?

Example content

x <- TRUE
y <- 10
foo1 <- function() message("hello world!")
foo2 <- function() message("hello world again!")

Finding all function objects

wscontent <- ls(all.names=TRUE)
funs <- sapply(wscontent, function(ii) {
    eval(substitute(is.function(OBJ), list(
> funs
     foo1      foo2      funs wscontent         x         y 
     TRUE      TRUE     FALSE     FALSE     FALSE     FALSE 


  • How about


    which should list all functions.