I'm trying to setup a map of US states, I've dropped in a jVectorMap but can't get the color to change no matter what I do.
I have tried to implement my problem in jsfiddle but it doesn't want to do anything over there. On my computer a map generates but the colors just won't change.
The pluging I'm using: http://jvectormap.com/
Anyone have any ideas why I can't change the state colors?
Or, if there is an easier to use map I would take that recommendation too. I basically just want a click able map on my page with colors and hover effects.
EDIT Trying out different map library now, will post results when finished
Ended up going with this option instead: http://newsignature.github.com/us-map/
The jVector map looks nice if you have data to overlay, but I just want each state to link to somewhere else on the site.