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Transparent NSMenu

I'm trying to change the opacity of a NSMenu, I made custom NSMenuItems and changed their opacity but there is still the white color of menu behinde them, I'm looking for a way too change the color and opacity of the menu background. I was wondering if it's even possible?



  • I don't think there is an elegant way to do that. NSMenu isn't a subclass of NSView. The rendering view is probably a private variable of the menu object.

    NSMenuItem has a view property that you can use. Try setting a custom view (if you don't already) and later find the menu's view by calling menuItem.view.superview. Then set that view's alpha property.

    Alternatively you could try to find the private view property of NSMenu with a tool like class-dump. Note that using private variables is never a good idea. Especially if you're planning to release the app on the App Store.