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Connecting to MongoDB replica set with rmongodb

Has anyone been able to connect to a MongoDB replica set using rmongodb? No matter how I configure mongo.create I get an authentication error, even though the same host/username/password work fine when connecting via the mongo shell.

My code does the equivalent of:

> mongo.create(c("",""), "rsName", "user", "password", "my_db")
Unable to connect to replset
Authentication failed.


Looking at the logs of all the nodes in the replica set, I do not see any attempt to authenticate when I run the code above. Therefore, this may be a rmongodb bug.


  • As Sim has noted, rmongodb 1.0.3 does not resolve hostnames.

    It is, however, possible to connect to replica sets from rmongodb with with a few caveats:

    • you must include all hostnames (if the primary isn't found in the seed host list, rmongodb will fail to connect)
    • hostnames must be provided as IPs
    • if using an admin user, you must first auth to the admin database (this, at least, is expected behaviour but worth noting)
    • I could only get the connection to work by not providing a replSet name

    So my working connect string looks like:

    mongo.create(c("","",""),"","user","password", "thedb")

    NB: I only tested this with MongoDB 2.2.0.