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Filling a DataSet or a DataTable from a LINQ query result set

How do you expose a LINQ query as an ASMX web service?
Usually, from the business tier, I can return a typed DataSet or a DataTable which can be serialized for transport over ASMX.

How can I do the same for a LINQ query?
Is there a way to populate a typed DataSet or a DataTable via a LINQ query?

public static MyDataTable CallMySproc()
    string conn = "...";

    MyDatabaseDataContext db = new MyDatabaseDataContext(conn);
    MyDataTable dt = new MyDataTable();

    // execute a sproc via LINQ
    var query = from dr
                in db.MySproc().AsEnumerable
                select dr;

    // copy LINQ query resultset into a DataTable -this does not work !    
    dt = query.CopyToDataTable();
    return dt;

How could I put the result set of a LINQ query into a DataSet or a DataTable?
Alternatively, can the LINQ query be serializable so that I can expose it as an ASMX web service?


  • As mentioned in the question, IEnumerable has a CopyToDataTable method:

    IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
        from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
        where order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate") > new DateTime(2001, 8, 1)
        select order;
    // Create a table from the query.
    DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();

    Why won't that work for you?