I know this question is used a lot, but I did not really find my case:
I Use Xcode 4.4.1, and for updating my provision profile/certificates, I just use refresh button under "LIbrary/Provisioning Profiles" and it works like a charm, gets updated, I checked my Keychain Access. And I can see the certificates.
But ALL my Provisioning Profiles in status are: "valid signing identity not found" except the one, which is "IOS Team Provisioning" --> developer mode.
ALl distribution one are "valid signing identity not found" :(.
How can I fix this issue ?
1 More thing. I use the same certificate before on my OLD macbook and worked with no issue. Not I try to setup a new machine and this is what I get. DO you think it can be a conflict between 2 MACs? If yes, can you please help me how can I fix it (I have to remove from the old machine "developer mode" ?).
I really appreciate any help.
Thanks to Alan Moore, I exported all Private key from old MAC. It for all al apps, the status is valid, but now is another issue, new apps.
Because I revoked the Distribution Certificate, all new apps are on new certificate and all new one are "valid signing identity not found". :(
And because I revoked the old certificat, for all apps I have to renew the certificate, and once I do it, in my XCODE it becomes "valid signing identity not found".
It is pretty weird issue, not even sure how can i fix this :(
Thank You!
You will have to do an export - import from your old mac.
The file produced contains the items you need to code sign apps, including the provisioning profiles, certificates, and private keys needed to install apps in development on a device.
(If you don’t see the Team section in the devices organizer:Drag the password-protected file that contains your code signing assets to the Xcode icon in the Dock.)