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Is there an open source AVFoundation implementation of the MPMoviePlayerController view?

Our current iOS project requires localization of video assets. We are currently handling this by localizing only the audio track of each video. From there we are using AVFoundation to add the localized audio track to to the assest. This is working well. We add the video and audio as separate asset tracks and the audio track is localized to the users locale.

Our issue is we want the controls of the video (play button, scrubber, etc..) to look and feel like the MPMoviePlayerController video player. Before we code this from scratch, is there an open source implementation of the MPMoviePlayerController video player that uses that uses AVFoundation (top toolbar with scrubber and done button, lower controls view with play button and volume)?



    Note: the repository linked above has been removed; you can try with a similar project (with identical name) at