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WinRT C# Metro Play MediaElement Asynchronous

Im trying to build Win8 metro style application. Im trying to play remote video which is on web in media element.

      MediaElement media = new MediaElement();
        Uri url = new Uri("some url on web");
        media.Source = url;

The first streaming takes time. It takes time to video to start play, in this meantime application is locked. I want to do that playing ascnhronously. How can i achive this.


  • after some search, i find out that with dispatcher element, i can do my work asynchronously. Here is the sample:

    await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                MediaElement media = new MediaElement();
                Uri url = new Uri("some url on web");
                media.Source = url;

    You have to mark the calling function as async in order this code block to work.