After getting through some of the SO posts, I found Sieve of Eratosthenes is the best & fastest way of generating prime numbers.
I want to generate the prime numbers between two numbers, say a
and b
AFAIK, in Sieve's method, the space complexity is O(b).
PS: I wrote Big-O and not Theta, because I don't know whether the space requirement can be reduced.
Can we reduce the space complexity in Sieve of Eratosthenes ?
If you have enough space to store all the primes up to sqrt(b) then you can sieve for the primes in the range a to b using additional space O(b-a).
In Python this might look like:
def primesieve(ps,start,n):
"""Sieve the interval [start,start+n) for primes.
Returns a list P of length n.
P[x]==1 if the number start+x is prime.
Relies on being given a list of primes in ps from 2 up to sqrt(start+n)."""
for p in ps:
for k in range((-start)%p,n,p):
if k+start<=p: continue
return P
You could easily make this take half the space by only sieving the odd numbers.