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Oracle SQL - Strange 'ORA-00907 Missing Right Parenthesis' error

I've written a query to test out a simple linear regression to get the line of best-fit between two sets of weight measures. It should hopefully return results like below, but it's throwing a strange error

'ORA-00907 Missing Right Parenthesis'

and TOAD is pointing towards the part where it says:

case ( when trn.wid_location = 28.3 then 

I've been combing it over for missing parenthesis but I don't think that's the issue because if I replace the case statement with

100 as mine,

the error disappears and the query executes.

Any thoughts?



      decode(wid_location,28.3,'CL',29.6,'DA') as site,
      (n*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y)/(n*sum_x_sq - sum_x*sum_x) as m,
      (sum_y - ((n*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y)/(n*sum_x_sq - sum_x*sum_x))*sum_x)/n as b 

from (
               sum(wids) as sum_x,
               sum(mine) as sum_y,
               sum(wids*mine) as sum_xy,
               sum(wids*wids) as sum_x_sq,
               count(*) as n

        from (                                                                        
                       con.empty_weight_total as wids,                                                                    
                       case ( 
                              when trn.wid_location = 28.3 then con.empty_weight_total*0.900-1.0
                              when trn.wid_location = 29.6 then con.empty_weight_total*0.950-1.5
                            ) as mine   

                from widsys.train trn
                     inner join widsys.consist con
                     using (train_record_id)

                where mine_code = 'YA'
                      and to_char(trn.wid_date,'IYYY') = 2009
                      and to_char(trn.wid_date,'IW') = 29


        group by wid_location

And here are the results i'd be happy to see

--    +----------+--------+----------+
--    | SITE     | M      | B        |
--    +----------+--------+----------+
--    | CL       | 0.900  | -1.0     |
--    +----------+--------+----------+
--    | DA       | 0.950  | -1.5     |
--    +----------+--------+----------+


  • T think the syntax of the case is not correct.

    Do something like:

    SELECT last_name, commission_pct,
      (CASE commission_pct 
        WHEN 0.1 THEN ‘Low’ 
        WHEN 0.15 THEN ‘Average’
        WHEN 0.2 THEN ‘High’ 
        ELSE ‘N/A’ 
      END ) Commission
    FROM employees ORDER BY last_name;