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Image interpolation from random pixels

I would like to ask a question regarding single channel image interpolation. Single channel is chosen just for simplicity otherwise I'm working on multiple channel images. Assume there is a single channel image with pure black background ( pixel intensity 0) on which there are some pixels with non-zero intensity values. I want to apply an interpolation algorithm to fill the entire black area of the image with interpolated values coming from the neighboring non-zero intensity pixels.

What interpolation algorithm would you recommend for a smooth interpolation applicable to this problem?

As inputs, we of course know the location of those non-black pixels and their intensity. But the location is somewhat random ( in one row may be 10 pixels, in another row only 8).

enter image description here


  • The regular interp2 will not work here, since your points are not located at regular intervals (Not sitting on a grid). You can either try TriScatteredInterp or download inpaint_nans from the file exchange.

    Here is the solution in your case with TriScatteredInterp:

    enter image description here

    function solveStackOverflowProblem()
        im = imread('');
        im = im(:,:,2);
        [i,j] = find(im);
        y = j; x = i;
        indexes = sub2ind(size(im),i,j);
        interpolator = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,double(im(indexes)));
        [Y,X] = meshgrid( 1:size(im,2),1:size(im,1));
        reconstructedImage = interpolator(X,Y);