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Set a "type" to pushpin using the Bing Theme

i m using the last version of bing maps with the bing theme module, i wanted to add a class name to hide it via css, i think this is done using the typeName property, but with the bing theme it doesn't work. that property is used to set the micro pushpin style. Is there a better way?

also what's the best way to in the same way have diffrent group types of pushpins so i can hide/show group of pins in the map. Should i use multiple entity layers?



  • Hmm it is unfortunate that they broke the typeName feature with the bing themes module.

    I wonder why you need CSS to hide the pushpins though. There is a Boolean pushpin option called visible that you can toggle, is there a reason why you are not using it? If you have to use css, the micro pushpins in bing themes module seem to have a class of pin0. So you can add the following style to your page to hide all of them(then use jquery to modify the style later to unhide):

    .pin0 {

    "also what's the best way to in the same way have diffrent group types of pushpins so i can hide/show group of pins in the map. Should i use multiple entity layers?"
