Good day to all! =) I have some problem.
There is a goup of non-static classes working with database. I decide to make a SQL Server Assembly to call them from JOB and launch by stored procedure. Never do it like this, but it seems like an interesting solution.
My code example:
public class FileProcessor
public FileProcessor()
this.sqlconnect = new DBAccess();
this.log = new Logdb();
ExchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
public void ImportFromMail(int viborka, bool export2DB)
// operations
Assembly creation:
from 'D:\proj\csharp\test\dbclr\FileProcessor.dll'
I need to create a stored procedure to work with my object. Is it possible to get an instance of my class from assembly and call its method? HOW??? =)
Or my only way is to use COM-objects and call them from JOB?
Solution is simple. Need to create a class with static functions and implement non-static class as object there each time for each function. So, no need to create COM =)