I am working on some stuff for my game server and making a custom site ban.
I have a ban table (ban time, reason, banned player, banning admin, etc) The banned player and banning admin field both use player ids which are stored in the other table.
I know how to join tables but I can't figure out how to distinguish between the banned player and the admin, the tables are basically like:
info table:
some info field| more info | more info| player_id | creator_id
info info | info info | info info| 1 | 2
info info | info info | info info| 3 | 2
info info | info info | info info| 5 | 4
players table:
id | name
1 | john
2 | steve
3 | sally
4 | bob
5 | jack
The player id is the player that was banned and the creator is the admin, all names whether admin or player are all stored in the players table. What I want is to have a page that shows the banned player, the reason for ban, the banning admin and the time
You may try :
p1.name AS player_name,
p2.name AS admin_name
FROM more_infos mi
JOIN players p1 ON p1.id = mi.player_id
JOIN players p2 ON p2.id = mi.creator_id;