I'm very new to c and programming and need some help. In c on linux(cygwin) I am required to remove all child processes at exit. I have looked at the other similar questions but can't get it to work. I've tried-
atexit(killzombies); //in parent process
void killzombies(void)
kill(0, SIGTERM);
if (waitpid(-1, SIGCHLD, WNOHANG) < 0)
for some reason, "works" doesn't even print ever. I press ctrl + c to exit.
ALSO I have tried-
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGHUP); //in child process
signal(SIGHUP, killMe);
void killMe()
but because I'm using cygwin, when I #include <sys/prctl.h>
, cygwin says it can't find the file or directory and I don't know what package to install for it.
Also, if my prctl()
function were to work, would that kill all the zombies?
My program is a client server and my server forks() to handle each client. I'm suppose to leave no remaining zombies when the server shuts down.
From the Linux documentation of atexit(3)
Functions registered using
) are not called if a process terminates abnormally because of the delivery of a signal.
If you want to cleanup when your application receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM, you'll need to install the appropriate signal handlers and do your work there.