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Drawing line on a click on ZedGraph Pane

I have a bit different kind of requirement for ZedGraph.

I want to create the curves on the ZedGraph pane when user clicks on the ZedGraph pane. Also, I have other graphs plotted on that pane. But i want that whenever user clicks on the zedGraph area, we get the co-ordinates where user have clicked and i draw a straigth line on that clicked co-ordinate.

I have used the MouseCLick event alogn with the FindNearestObject method like the following way:

private void zedGraph_RenderedTrack_MouseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MouseEventArgs xx = (MouseEventArgs)e;
        object nearestObject;
        int index;
        this.zedGraph_RenderedTrack.GraphPane.FindNearestObject(new PointF(xx.X, xx.Y), this.CreateGraphics(), out nearestObject, out index);
        if (nearestObject != null)
            DrawALine(xx.X, Color.Red, true);

But using this, ZedGraph search for some curve and find the nearest points and then plot the line but i want that the line be drawn where ever the user clicks. Is there any method to do so?


  • You could try the following code, which will draw a vertical line for a mouse click event.

    public Form1()
        PointPairList userClickrList = new PointPairList();
        LineItem userClickCurve = new LineItem("userClickCurve");
        private void zedGraphControl1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Create an instance of Graph Pane
            GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
            // x & y variables to store the axis values
            double xVal;
            double yVal;
            // Clear the previous values if any
            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;
            // Use the current mouse locations to get the corresponding 
            // X & Y CO-Ordinates
            myPane.ReverseTransform(e.Location, out xVal, out yVal);
            // Create a list using the above x & y values
            userClickrList.Add(xVal, myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max);
            userClickrList.Add(xVal, myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min);
            // Add a curve
            userClickCurve = myPane.AddCurve(" ", userClickrList, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);

    enter image description here

    you just have to change the userClickList to draw horizontal line.

    Happy Coding.....:)