Say I'm documenting a member function using DOxygen/Visual studio compatible comments, how can I use the less than '<' symbol without creating a compiler warning but still maintaining readability in the codebase?
For example, if I did this:
/// <summary>
/// Verifies x < y
/// </summary>
bool VerifyIsLessThan(float x, float y);
The compiler says:
1>c:\MyProject\VerificationLib.h(246) : warning C4635: XML document comment applied to 'VerificationLib.VerifyIsLessThan(System.Single,System.Single)': badly-formed XML: Whitespace is not allowed at this location.
Is there any way to escape this in a way which leaves it still readable in the codebase as well as in the Doxygen generated docs?
I'm starting to think this is more to do with the visual studio side of things rather than Doxygen. We're using a form which should work for both. The warnings mentioned in the original question are from visual studio not Doxygen.
Digging a little deeper it looks like verbatim isn't supported directly?
just use \<
and that should be it.