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What is the best way for css rules name?

Many ajax calls means you are getting content from different template views. In this case some ids could be repeated. So I am wondering about best logic how to name style rules. I am currently deciding between two options:

  • Add a prefix to each id. Each selector will look like #templateName-idName
  • Wrap each template to a div with template name id. So each selector will start with #templateName #idName

What is your opinion about this. Is it a good idea to sepearate absolutely every id with some prefix?


  • Using some form of psuedo namespace like prefixes for ids is a good idea to prevent collisions. From a CSS standpoint you should be trying to create more re-usable/consistent styling rules, and therefore generally avoid the use of ids for anything more than site structural elements and one off fixes. A combination of explicit class/id markers and combinator selectors should lead to clearer and more maintainable stylesheets. As far as ids go that would make the combined #container-child convention preferable for the initial namespacing reason and also to emphasize and take advantage of the uniqueness of ids.