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Type initialization exception

I created imageHolder class:

public class ImageHolder : Image<Bgr, Byte>
    private String imagePath;

    public ImageHolder(String path):base(path)
       this.imagePath = path;                     
    public String imgPathProperty
        { return imagePath; }
        { imagePath = value; }

I create instance of the class and initialize it,like this:

private ImageHolder originalImageHolder;
originalImageHolder = new ImageHolder(openFileDialog.FileName);

In runtime i get this exception:

The type initializer for 'Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' threw an exception.

enter image description here

Here is Solution Explorer window:

enter image description here

Any idea why i get this exception and how can i fix it?

Thank you in advance.


  • The TypeInitializationException (the exception that you are seeing) is thrown whenever a static constructor throws an exception, or whenever you attempt to access a class where the static constructor threw an exception - its InnerException property is the property that contains the detail of the exception that was actualy thrown - this is the exception that you need to investigate.

    In this case from your screenshot the problem appears to be that the DLL "opencv_core240.dll" could not be found. This could be for a number of reasons

    • The DLL couldn't be found
    • One of the dependencies of the DLL could not be found
    • The DLL was in the incorrect image format (32 bit as opposed to 64 bit)

    I'd suggest that you take a look at this question to see if any of the suggestions on there help you.