I''m using this library in my project : jQuery Tools Tabs, and from what I've read I can make my custom effect instead of having the default one.
I decided to have an effect like this one : Demo . And I found something that could be similar, but I'm having trouble implementing it.
$.tools.tabs.addEffect("subFade", function(tabIndex, done) {
var conf = this.getConf(),
speed = conf.fadeOutSpeed,
panes = this.getPanes();
var $tab = this.getCurrentTab();
if($tab.hasClass("current")){//Going AWAY from the tab, do hide animation (before the tab is hidden)
$(".tabs-tab").animate({"left" : "0px"}, 300, function(){//I was sliding it behind the tabs when not in use, replace with your own animation
panes.eq(tabIndex).fadeIn(200, done);
console.log("Done done");
//This is then end of the chain - my animation, hide all then fade in new tab.
} else {//going away from any other tab
panes.eq(tabIndex).fadeIn(200, done);
$tab = this.getTabs().eq(tabIndex);
if($tab.hasClass("current")){//Going to my special tab.
$(".tabs-tab").animate({"left" : "-160px"}, 300);//Sliding it out
// the supplied callback must be called after the effect has finished its job
The above is what I have been trying but without success. So I was wondering if someone knows what I'm doing wrong and how can I make that custom effect behave like the demo ?
I have made a content slider similar to your example (however it does Not have FadeIn/Out functionality), but maybe with some modification of my code you can make that effect.
Fiddle here
My full code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.slides div:not(:first)').hide();
$('.slides div:first').addClass('active');
//Put .active width in var
var activeWidth = $(".active").outerWidth();
$('.control p:first').addClass('current');
$('.control p').click(function() {
/*store P index inside var*/
var Pindex = $(this).index();
/* Store the slides in var*/
var slidePosition=$('.wrapper .slides div');
/* check if ACTIVE slide has GREATER index than clicked P TAG (CONTROLS)*/
if($(".wrapper .slides div.active").index() > $('.wrapper .slides div').eq(Pindex).index()) {
/*Show the slide equal to clicked P-TAG(CONTROLS)*/
/*Add class "current" to the clicked control*/
/*Start animation...*/
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:activeWidth-activeWidth},1000,function() {
if($('.slides').is(':animated')) {
return false;
if($(this).is($(".current"))) {
return false;
if($(".wrapper .slides div.active").index() < $('.wrapper .slides div').eq(Pindex).index()) {
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:-activeWidth},1000,function() {
$(".left").click(function() {
if($('.slides').is(':animated')) {
return false;
if($(".active").prev().length===0) {
//alert("no prev");
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:activeWidth-activeWidth},1000,function() {
$(".active").next().insertBefore($(".slides div:first")).hide();
var activeIndex = $(".active").index();
$(".control p").eq(activeIndex).addClass("current");
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:activeWidth-activeWidth},1000,function() {
var activeIndex = $(".active").index();
$(".control p").eq(activeIndex).addClass("current");
$(".right").click(function() {
if($('.slides').is(':animated')) {
return false;
if($(".active").next().length===0) {
//alert("no next")
$(".slides div:first").nextAll(':not(.active)').clone().insertAfter(".active");
$(".slides div:first").insertAfter(".active");
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:-activeWidth},1000,function() {
$(".active").prev().hide().insertAfter(".slides div:last");
var activeIndex = $(".active").index();
$(".control p").eq(activeIndex).addClass("current");
$(".slides").animate({marginLeft:-activeWidth},1000,function() {
var activeIndex = $(".active").index();
$(".control p").eq(activeIndex).addClass("current");