I have an issue on how to configure a toggle class.
Here the issue, i cant configure the toogle class. Everythings works fine untill div is collapsed but then when the div is collapsed and if you keep the mouse over the div (.accordionhover-group
) i get the mistake. The text is not white but it keeps being red bold ( in this way i can not see the text) and the icon arrow is not up white as it should be. How can i make my text white bold and the icon arrow up white when i hover on the div (.accordionhover-group
) after it's collapsed ?
To make your text bold and white here is the css
color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
And the arrow on hover, here is the css that i suggest you to use to achieve the desired effect.
.clicked .accordionhover-group i: hover {
background-position: -311px -99px;
float: right;
.clicked .accordionhover-group:hover i {
background-position: -288px -93px;
.icon-arrow-down-white {
background-position: -311px -99px;
float :right;
margin-top: 5px;
background-image: url("http://tommywebdesigner.com/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png");
.icon-arrow-up-white {
background-position: -288px -93px;
float :right;
margin-top: 5px;
background-image: url("http://tommywebdesigner.com/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png");
Also there is no need to use important after a style. Here is a good article on the use of important in css http://css-tricks.com/when-using-important-is-the-right-choice/