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Orchard CMS 1.5 Very Slow to Load Pages

I am developing my first site using Orchard 1.5 and I am concerned about the speed of the site. I realize that in development mode that pages are being compiled dynamically which will cause slowness, but I have done the following to set the site to production mode, and still, from page to page, each request is taking anywhere from 2 to 6 seconds to display. Here is what I have done:

  1. Built the solution using a "Release" build
  2. Logged out from the site (viewing as anonymous)
  3. Set the application as the root site in IIS
  4. Disabled the "Shape Tracing" module
  5. Set the <compilation debug="false" ...> in the web.config
  6. Set the theme to the base TheThemeMachine theme

I only have 5 pages of very basic content and the home page contains only the default content from the setup of Orchard. All pages are slow to load. Here is my site map:

  • Home (2 sec load)
  • About Us (2 sec load)
    • Bios (a projection page - 6 sec load)
      • John Doe (2 sec load)
      • Mary Jane (2 sec load)

With these settings in place, the page load times are still unacceptably slow. I am only testing this on my local machine and haven't rolled it out to the production server yet, but my machine is a robust quad-core machine, running Windows 7 with 8GB of RAM, so I don't see how it's much different than our production servers. Since all the requests are local, the network bandwidth is a non-issue. The only thing that would be different than in full production is that the application is accessing the SQL server on the network, but I can't imagine that there is that much SQL traffic.

FYI - I am checking the load time from FireBug and only using the value from the initial GET to the server and not any ancillary requests.

Is what I am seeing normal for an Orchard site, or what other changes should I make to optimize performance? When I go to, it is very snappy (<300ms response) even with all their content, so why is my simple configuration so slow?


  • Why not run the Miniprofiler to measure where the slowdowns are before trying to optimize? You can get a module for Orchard to make it easy to plugin.