How do I do it? A lot of sites say I can just call .modify_bg() on the button, but that doesn't do anything. I'm able to add an EventBox to the button, and add a label to that, and then change its colors, but it looks horrendous - there is a ton of gray space between the edge of the button that doesn't change. I just want something that looks like this:
The site claims to have just done modify_bg() on the button. But that doesn't work for me. =(.
The right answer probably involves creating a style, or something with a gtkrc file, etc. Can someone point me in that direction?
Here's a little example:
import gtk
win = gtk.Window()
win.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
btn = gtk.Button("test")
#make a gdk.color for red
map = btn.get_colormap()
color = map.alloc_color("red")
#copy the current style and replace the background
style = btn.get_style().copy()[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
#set the button's style to the one you created