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Getting user entries from a Form based on Genshi Template

I'm trying to write a Plugin for Trac. I've succeeded to export variables contents from my request (process_request) to my template ...but I still having problems doing it in the other way : how to catch the information taped by the user ?

<form name="input" action="" method="POST">
    Configuration : <input type="text" name="configuration" value ="$my_var" /> <br /><br />

    <label for="file">URL:</label>
    <input type="text" name="file" id="WillPosted" value="This text will be changed by the user"/>      

    <input type="submit" name="SubmiT" value="Browse" /><br /><br />

So how can I catch the content of the input form with the id="WillPosted" ? Notice : actual problem is in IRequestHandler methods from Trac !

Any Idea ? Thanks


  • You're asking about the common web-UI interaction

    • my_var --> template with input field 'file' and default value 'This will ..'
    • user input to field
    • submission by POST request

    How to get (changed) new value of input, right? If so, you explained it rather complicated.

    And I'm wondering, if you don't know about, probably the most authoritative source of Trac plugin code on the planet - much more working examples to look at than needed here.

    Anyway, the key is reading the return value(s) from reg.args dict like so:

    from pkg_resources  import resource_filename
    from  import ITemplateProvider, add_stylesheet
    implements(IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider)
    # IRequestHandler methods
    def match_request(self, req):
        # Any condition evaluating to True will fire the second method.
        return req.path_info == '/<your_path>'
    def process_request(self, req):
        "Demo how to interact with your template."
        # Check, if you'r really processing the right request by target matching,
        # and only act on input of authorized users - as an added suggestion/option.
        if req.path_info.startswith('/<your_path>') and req.authname != 'anonymous':
            # Check for request type.
            if req.method == 'POST':
                # Ok, go pock for the new value now.
                value = req.args.get('file', 'default_value')))
                # Now go, process it, store it, even redirect away, if you're done.
                # Fallback for Trac 0.11 compatibility included.
                referer = req.args.get('referer') or req.get_header('Referer')
                # Steer clear of requests going nowhere or loop to self
                if referer is None or \
                        referer.startswith(str(req.abs_href()) + '/<your_path>'):
                    referer = req.abs_href()
        # Still there, so that's the initial call or anonymous user, hey?
        # So let's prepare information for displaying the template ...
        data = dict(my_var='any_string_or_number')
        # Take the env obj from self, if needed.
        env = self.env
        mod = MyOwnSecondaryModule(env)
        if mod.can_do_something:
            data['my_var'] ='better')
        # Why not apply an own style?
        add_stylesheet(req, 'your_plugin/most_famous_style.css')
        return 'your_template.html', data
    # ITemplateProvider methods
    def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
        """Return the absolute path of a directory containing additional
        static resources (such as images, style sheets, etc).
        return [('your_plugin', resource_filename('your_plugin_pkg_base_dir', 'htdocs'))]
    def get_templates_dirs(self):
        """Return the absolute path of the directory containing the provided
        Genshi templates.
        return [resource_filename('your_plugin_pkg_base_dir', 'templates')]

    Questions on using various Trac extension point interfaces? See the authoritative wiki documentation on the subject as well!