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FMS FLV (Speex) to mp3/mp4/acc/wav

I'm trying to decode an FLV's audio to a playable format. I attempted to use this SO post: FMS FLV to mp3.. as an example, but my FLV is encoded in Speex.

I have compiled ffmpeg with --enable-libspeex on a Fedora 15 machine.

I believe this can be done with ffmpeg but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it.

Any thoughts? Thanks


  • Your ffmpeg needs to be configured with --enable-libspeex to support Speex decoding. Since you did not provide your OS I can not give any more specific instructions. Once you have a build of ffmpeg that can decode speex the most simple command would be:

    ffmpeg -i input.flv output.wav