What is the difference between "ASP.NET AJAX Server Control" and "ASP.NET Server Control" project types?
Does one project type have advantages over the other?
Are there some things that can be done in one and not the other?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I found this link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/22384/ASP-NET-AJAX-Controls-and-Extenders
This is a quote from that link and I think it answers my question:
At first glance, it would seem that the ASP.NET Server Control differs from the other two controls in that it doesn't support AJAX. This isn't completely true, however, and in the first part of this tutorial, I will demonstrate just how far you can go in developing an AJAX-enabled control based on the Server Control alone. While the ASP.NET Server Control does not provide direct access to AJAX scripts, it can implement AJAX scripts encapsulated in other controls such as the UpdatePanel, or the AJAX Extensions Timer Control, to provide AJAX functionality. For control developers who are not all that keen on delving into the intricacies and pitfalls of JavaScript, the Server Control offers an excellent and clean development path.
The AJAX Server Control and the AJAX Server Control Extender differ from the regular ASP.NET Server Control by coupling themselves with JavaScript files, and allowing mapping between properties of a control class and properties of a JavaScript class. When you need functionality not provided by other AJAX Server controls, or simply want to customize your control using client-side script in order to avoid the ASP.NET control life-cycle, then this is the best option.
Edit 2: I just saw that Aghilas Yakoub's answer has the same link :)
In aspect of projects they are identical. The only one difference is in initial boilerplate code for control created by default. You are absolutely free to add Ajax control to simple server control project as well vice versa.