I am trying to store triplets inside of OrientDB as Vertex-Edge-Vertex relationships inside of a Java application that I am working on. My understanding of using OrientDB is that I can use the Tinkerpop API and instantiate a graph like this:
OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph("local:/tmp/orient/test_db");
That is really all I do to instantiate the graph, then I try to connect vertices with edges in a loop like this: (Note that a Statement
is a triplet consisting of subject-relationship-object.)
for (Statement s : statements) {
Vertex a = graph.addVertex(null);
Vertex b = graph.addVertex(null);
a.setProperty("Subject", s.getSubject().toBELShortForm());
RelationshipType r = s.getRelationshipType();
if (s.getObject() != null) {
b.setProperty("Object", s.getObject().toBELShortForm());
Edge e = graph.addEdge(null, a, b, r.toString());
else {
b.setProperty("Object", "null");
Edge e = graph.addEdge(null, a, b, "no-relationship");
I then loop through the vertices of the graph and print them out like this:
for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) {
out.println("Vertex: " +v.toString());
It does print a lot of vertices, but when I log into the server via the command line, using server.sh
, all I see are the 3 records for ORole
and 4 records for OUser
. What am I missing here? Because it seems like although my java program runs and completes, the data is not being put into the database.
The answer, at least for now, seems to be not to use the Tinkerpop API but rather the Orient API directly. This is the same thing I was doing with Tinkerpop, but using the OrientDB API. This actually does store my data into the database:
for (Statement s : statements) {
ODocument sNode = db.createVertex();
sNode.field("Subject", s.getSubject().toBELShortForm());
ODocument oNode = db.createVertex();
if (s.getObject() != null) {
oNode.field("Object", s.getObject().toBELShortForm());
else {
oNode.field("Object", "null");
RelationshipType r = s.getRelationshipType();
ODocument edge = db.createEdge(sNode, oNode);
if (r != null) {
else {
edge.field("no relationship");