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Mathias URL shortener

I am using this URL shortener but I'm having a hard time setting it up.

I've setup the database, changed the config file accordingly. I put the files in a subdirectory and removed Rewritebase from the .htaccess file.

I'm not sure what these two scripts mean if anyone could help? `## Favelets / Bookmarklets


// js javascript:(function(){var%20q=prompt('URL:');if(q){document.location='http://yourshortener.ext/shorten?url='+encodeURIComponent(q)}}());

Shorten this URL

// js javascript:(function(){document.location='http://yourshortener.ext/shorten?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)}());


  • The scripts you're asking about are there so you can quickly create a Short URL from that page.

    The prompt will ask you what URL you want to shorten, whilst the second one will automatically shorten the page you're already on.

    Give them a go :)