Hi i am developing live video stream in android with wowza media server. I follow this link http://spydroid-ipcamera.googlecode.com/svn/ . I created all the things. Now my problem is i got an error in GenericAudioStream.java class as
import android.net.rtp.AudioCodec;
import android.net.rtp.AudioGroup;
import android.net.rtp.AudioStream;
import android.net.rtp.RtpStream;
The import android.net.rtp cannot be resolved. How can i resolved it? Can anybody help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
The android.net.rtp.*
package is only available since API level 12 (Android 3.1.x Honeycomb MR1), so your app would need android:minSdkVersion="12"
or higher.
If you just want to play back an RTSP (RTP, SDP) stream, take a look at: Does android support APIs for implementing RTP,RTSP for VoIP and PTT Project? -- this claims to work all the way back to Android 2.3 Gingerbread.