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Rails partial locals not persisting when sent to another partial as its own local

I render a partial like so:

<%= render :partial => 'widgets/some_partial, :locals => {:foo => 'bar'} %>

So inside of _some_partial.html.erb I render two more partials like so:

<% #foo.nil? #=> false %>
<%= render :partial => 'widgets/another_partial', :locals => {:foo => foo} %>
`<%= render :partial => 'widgets/another_partial_again', :locals => {:foo => foo} %>`

The foo local variable renders fine in some_partial.html.erb and even in another_partial_again.html.erb. However, the foo variable is inaccessible in another_partial.html.erb even though I explicitly passed it in the render call.

What is happening here?

Thanks for the help.


  • Solved. Turns out I was also rendering the same partial from the controller without sending the proper local variables. Thanks anyways!!!