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Pull to refresh on Android crashes on Inflater

I've downloaded pull to refresh widget for android and now I'm trying to make it work. I copied everything from the plugin and plugin example folder into my project, changed the import reference to R in to my project's R file. Worked fine at this point.

Then I have added another layout into res/layout and started to get weird error messages. This layout is not anyhow used in my project, I just put the file in place. Current exception message is: your content must have a listview whose id attribute is '' (there is still the listview in pull_to_refresh.xml from the example project with this id, not anyhow changed). Content of my added xml file (named crasher.xml) is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

    android:padding="5dip" >

    <!-- Article title -->
        android:text="Article title"


As I change this newly added layout, the exception sometimes varies and is thrown from line 93 of, where the inflater is called to inflate the pull_to_refresh_header file. I am almost sure there is a problem with the inflater and somehow conflicting layouts. For a moment I was getting an error on this line saying that I cannot cast RelativeLayout to LinearLayout (I am not aware of doing it anywhere) - now I don`t remember what exactly I did and cannot reproduce it, but it was only in changing views in the added and unused layout crasher.xml.

I do not perfectly understand the inflating process and cannot determine where is the problem, can anyone help me?

thanks in advance.


  • I have finally found solution to this kind of problem:

    Clean build seems to be the solution. In NetBeans, Run->Clean and Build, in Eclipse there is a similar option I think. It solves various weird problems with generated layout resources, which are obviously not-very-well cached and re-built during development.