Search code examples

count number of users for past 7 days from a given date

I have table in which I have to update the number of users on that particular date and number of users in past 7 days from the given date. Sample data looks like

Date    UserCountToday  UserCount7days
20120911    907575  
20120910    953629  
20120909    1366180 
20120908    1388916 
20120907    1009425 
20120906    918638  
20120905    956770  
20120904    1018152 
20120903    1306341 


  • try this:

     with cte as 
            (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by [Date]) as row_num
            from t_users)
     select [Date],UserCountToday, (select SUM(UserCountToday) 
     from   cte c1 where c.row_num>=c1.row_num 
     and    abs(c.row_num-c1.row_num)<7)  as UserCount7days 
     from   cte c


    Date    UserCountToday  UserCount7days
    20120903    1306341 1306341
    20120904    1018152 2324493
    20120905    956770  3281263
    20120906    918638  4199901
    20120907    1009425 5209326
    20120908    1388916 6598242
    20120909    1366180 7964422
    20120910    953629  7611710
    20120911    907575  7501133