Hi I'm creating a app to display the count of alarm that comes from services and i've to update that when my screen is lock.
but i am getting a out put but it is not updating can any one help me
this is a code i used for display the text in lock screen
String message ="New alarm :"+ alarmnew.size()+"\n old alarm :"+alarmold.size();
Settings.System.NEXT_ALARM_FORMATTED, message);
guys i've finally found the answer to this prob thanks to @dd619 his concept
the concept i used is that first i need to unlock the screen then update display and again lock the screen.
this is my final coding for this app
Context context= getApplicationContext();
KeyguardManager _guard = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
KeyguardLock _keyguardLock = _guard.newKeyguardLock("KeyguardLockWrapper");
//to disable
String message ="New alarm :"+ alarmnew.size()+"\n old alarm :"+alarmold.size();
Settings.System.NEXT_ALARM_FORMATTED, message);
//to enable