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Row-normalize a sparse matrix into zero mean in Matlab

I have a large m *n sparse matrix Y. I would like to normalize each row of Y, so that each row has zero mean.

I first tried this. But the mean of each row is also subtracted from the zero entries, which is not what I want.

Ynorm = bsxfun(@minus, Y, Ymean); 

Then I tried this.

[m, n] = size(Y);
nonZeroNum = nnz(Y); 
Ynorm = spalloc(m,n,nonZeroNum); 
for i = 1:m
    Ynorm(i, :) = spfun(@(x)(x - Ymean(i)), Y(i, :));

However, this non-vectorized solution is too slow.

I've also thought of combining bsxfun and spfun, but didn't make it.

Does anyone have a vectorized solution?


  • Easy, peasy.

    A random sparse matrix.

    A = sprand(100,100,.05);

    Get the row means. In case there are no non-zero elements in a row, we will expect 0/0 = NaN, but then that row will never be touched by the next step.

    rowmeans = sum(A,2)./sum(A~=0,2);

    Extract the non-zeros.

    [i,j.a] = find(A);

    And restore the array, mean subtracted.

    [n,m] = size(A);
    B = sparse(i,j,a - rowmeans(i),n,m);

    Now, test it. Don't forget that floating point arithmetic applies here, so the row means will not be exactly zero, only on the order of eps.

    ans =
       (1,1)     -1.5543e-17
    ans =
       (1,1)      1.1657e-17

    Seems about right, and fully vectorized. To convince you that the result truly is sparse and that the zero elements have not been corrupted, here is the result of spy.

