I have a rake task that connects to an ftp server, downloads a file, and then gunzips it. This works locally, but when I run the task on my heroku cedar server I get no feed back after executing net::ftp.getbinaryfile.
Here is the code to download the file:
tempfile = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{Process.pid}_#{MyApp::Application.config.products_bbcom_file}"
ftp = Net::FTP.new()
puts "connecting to ftp server #{MyApp::Application.config.products_bbcom_host}"
puts "logging in"
puts "changing directory"
files = ftp.chdir(MyApp::Application.config.products_bbcom_path)
#files = ftp.list('n*')
puts "downloading file #{MyApp::Application.config.products_bbcom_file} to #{tempfile}"
ftp.getbinaryfile(MyApp::Application.config.products_bbcom_file, tempfile, 1024)
When I execute the task on heroku: heroku run rake db:import and tail the logs I see:
2012-09-10T16:26:24+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Awaiting client
2012-09-10T16:26:24+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec rake db:import`
2012-09-10T16:26:25+00:00 heroku[run.1]: State changed from starting to up
And the out put from the task gets to:
== Starting ==
Connecting to database specified by DATABASE_URL
connecting to ftp server datatransfer.cj.com
logging in
changing directory
downloading file
The script gets to the point where it is trying to download the file to #{Rails.root}/tmp/ but then never responds again. This only takes a couple seconds locally, but I waited a few minutes and the task doesn't do anything.
From the heroku dev site it seems like you can save files to #{Rails.root}/tmp/ on cedar. Is this possible? If so am I taking the wrong approach?
It is possible to download a file vit NET::FTP, but heroku only supports PASSIVE mode FTP. I needed to specify that I wanted to use passive mode. Here is a simplified example:
ftp = Net::FTP.new()
ftp.passive = true
files = ftp.chdir(path_to_file)
ftp.getbinaryfile(filename, tempfile, 1024)