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Primefaces blockUI stops working after ajax update

I am trying to create a datatable that displays a blockUI whenever it is busy, and I have been mostly successful. It now grays out and shows "Loading..." whenever I click either of two commandButtons, sort the datatable by clicking on a header, or page through the datatable. You can see the code for it below.

The problem is that after I have used one of the commandButtons (which runs an ajax update on the blocked element), subsequent actions do not trigger the blockUI (until I refresh the page). For example:

  • Load page
  • Click a datatable header - blockUI appears until table is finished sorting
  • Click one of the datatable page navigation buttons - blockUI appears until the page is loaded
  • Click one of the commandButtons - blockUI appears until the button's actionListener has finished
  • Click a datatable header - table sorts, but blockUI does not appear.
  • Click one of the datatable page navigation buttons - page loads, but blockUI does not appear
  • Click one of the commandButtons - actionListener runs and table updates, but blockUI does not appear
  • Reload the page - everything works properly again

Changing the commandButtons' update="" attribute to ajax="false" causes the sorting/paging to always display the blockUI, but the commandButtons to never display the blockUI.

Any ideas?

<div class="buttonDiv">
    <p:commandButton ... update="resultsPanel" id="submitButton" ... />
    <p:commandButton ... update="resultsPanel" id="resetScenarioButton" ... />
<p:panel header="Results Grid" id="resultsPanel">
    <p:dataTable ... id="VAResults" ... >
<p:blockUI block="resultsPanel" trigger="submitButton, resetScenarioButton, VAResults">


  • The trigger attribute binds jQuery listeners on the specified elements. However if you update an element the binding gets lost. I don't know if it works, but you could try moving the <p:blockUI inside the resultsPanel. I suspect that when you update the panel the blockUI gets updated too and thus re-binding the listener to the data table.

    <p:panel header="Results Grid" id="resultsPanel">
        <p:dataTable ... id="VAResults" ... >
        <p:blockUI block="resultsPanel" trigger="submitButton, resetScenarioButton, VAResults">