What is an efficient way to consolidate source code from multiple source files to a single source file - including Roxygen documentation comments and possibly also including other comments?
I remember there was a parsing method from some package that would account for comments (putting it in some attribute "field"), but I can't find it anymore.
For mainly two reasons I like the flexibility to consolidate source code from a given number of source files to a single source file:
Here's my current solution; it feels "okay", but
foo1 <- function(x) {message("I'm foo #1"); return(TRUE)}
roxy.1 <- c(
"#' Title foo1()",
"#' Description foo1().",
"##' This line is commented out",
"#' @param x Some R object that doesn't matter.",
"#' @return \\code{TRUE}.",
"#' @references \\url{http://www.something.com/}",
"#' @author Janko Thyson \\email{john.doe@@something.com}",
"#' @seealso \\code{\\link{foo2}}",
"#' @example inst/examples/foo1.R"
foo2 <- function(y) {message("I'm foo #2"); return(FALSE)}
roxy.2 <- c(
"#' Title foo2()",
"#' Description foo2().",
"##' This line is commented out",
"#' @param y Some R object that doesn't matter.",
"#' @return \\code{FALSE}.",
"#' @references \\url{http://www.something.com/}",
"#' @author Janko Thyson \\email{john.doe@@something.com}",
"#' @seealso \\code{\\link{foo1}}",
"#' @example inst/examples/foo2.R"
dir.create("src/functions", recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create("src/conso", recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
write(roxy.1, file="src/functions/foo1.R")
write(deparse(foo1), file="src/functions/foo1.R", append=TRUE)
write(roxy.2, file="src/functions/foo2.R")
write(deparse(foo2), file="src/functions/foo2.R", append=TRUE)
consolidateThis <- function(
rgx.roxy="^(#' ?|##' ?)(\\w*|@|$)",
) {
if (!file.exists(path)) {
stop("Check your 'path' argument")
files <- list.files(path, full.names=TRUE)
if (do.overwrite) {
sapply(files, function(ii) {
this <- readLines(con=ii, warn=FALSE)
code <- base::parse(text=this)
if (do.roxygen) {
idx.roxy <- grep(rgx.roxy, this)
if (length(idx.roxy)) {
if (length(idx.roxy) == 1) {
stop("Weird roxygen code (just a one-liner)")
bench <- seq(from=idx.roxy[1], max(idx.roxy))
if (!all(bench %in% idx.roxy)) {
stop("Breaks in your roxygen code. Possibly detected comments that aren't roxygen code")
code.roxy <- this[idx.roxy]
write(code.roxy, file=path.conso, append=TRUE)
write(c(deparse(code[[1]]), ""), file=path.conso, append=TRUE)
path <- consolidateThis()
> path
[1] "src/conso/src_functions.R"
So now there's a source file 'src/conso/src_functions.R' containing the consolidated code
Do you have a particular need to parse (and then deparse) the functions' source? If not, you can simplify the code quite a bit.
The following produces exactly the same output as ConsolidateThis()
ConsolidateThis2 <-
overwrite = TRUE) {
if(overwrite) cat("", file = path.conso) # Blank out the file's contents
## A function to append infile's contents to outfile and add 2 <RET>
prettyappend <- function(infile, outfile) {
file.append(outfile, infile)
cat("\n\n", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
## Append all files in 'path.conso' to file 'path'
sapply(dir(path, full.names=TRUE), prettyappend, path.conso)