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How to save a sparse matrix to mat file in matlab

I want to save two sparse matrix Y and R to a mat file. However, when I run the following code, I found out that the twomatrices.mat contains two full matrices instead of sparse matrices. Do does .mat file only allow full matrices to be included?

save('twomatrices.mat', 'Y', 'R');


  • Be sure that you actually create sparse matrices: e.g., the following code snippet works fine and stores the matrices as sparse double matrices:

    n = 5;
    Y = sparse(1:n,1:n,1);
    R = sparse(1:n,1:n,2);
    save('twomatrices.mat', 'Y', 'R');
    Y =
       (1,1)        1
       (2,2)        1
       (3,3)        1
       (4,4)        1
       (5,5)        1