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Calling Virtual Function of Parent

#include <linux/input.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string>
class Parent{
    virtual std::string GetString()
        int amount = 1;
        input_event ev[amount];
        ev[0].code = BTN_9;
        ev[0].value = 1;
        char* temp = reinterprt_cast<char*>(ev);
        std::string msg(temp, sizeof(ev) * amount);
        return msg;
class Child : public Parent
    virtual std::string GetString()
        int amount = 1;
        input_event ev[amount];
        ev[0].code = BTN_9;
        ev[0].value = 1;
        char* temp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(ev);
        std::string msg(temp, sizeof(ev) * amount);
        return msg;


class Child2 : public Parent
    virtual std::string GetString()
        std::string temp(Parent::GetString());
        return temp;


TEST(CastToString, test)
    Parent parent = Parent();
    Child child1 = Child();
    Child2 child2 = Child2();
    std::string pString(parent.GetString());
    std::string c1String(child1.GetString());
    std::string c2String(child2.GetString());
    EXPECT_EQ(pString, c1String);
    EXPECT_EQ(pString, c2String);

I just copied in the whole sample. The problem lies at the call of Child2s GetString function. It always returns different values hence i assume, there is some allocation problem, but i cant figure it out.


  • I think the error is here

      std::string msg(temp, sizeof(ev) * amount);

    should be

      std::string msg(temp, sizeof(ev[0]) * amount);

    (both places).

    Because the array size was wrong you were getting extra garbage bytes in your string, so they didn't compare equal.